Beau’s Bee Yards is a family-run beekeeping small operation. We take pride in understanding the complexities and wonders of beekeeping so as to better serve our customers and continually improve our products.
In 2014, curiosity piqued our interest in these little creatures called honeybees. A fellow beekeeper, one of our many mentors along the way, was kind enough to get us started with one beehive. We enthusiastically watched as our fledgling hive grew throughout the summer – but honestly, we knew next to nothing and simply learned from the expertise of others, through observation, trial and error, and researching bees. We harvested a gallon of honey that first fall and thought we were on top of the world. We wrapped that hive for winter and carefully stationed it up by the house out of the cold winter wind, anticipating it would survive. Sadly, we lost our first hive in the middle of that winter. Most likely, knowing what we do now, we lost the bees due to lack of treating for varroa mites and the viruses they spread.
This did not stop us, however. The next spring, we started all over with ten nucs ( nucleus colony – a small hive). We had better luck overwintering those bees and during the next four years, we significantly increased our number of hives which allows us to offer produce such as Local Honey, Beeswax, Bee Pollen, Mated Queens, NUCs, etc, and a full line of beekeeping services.
It is part of the vision for Beau’s Bee Yards to continue to learn as much as we can about honeybees, and then to share this knowledge with fellow beekeepers, honoring the spirit of those who helped us start this adventure. We consider it a privilege and honor to be a part of beekeeping.